

  Environmental Protection

  Chemwells new materials to build a "conservation and environmental protection" enterprises, refers to actively implement the "adhere to the conservation of resources and protection of the environment," the basic state policy and "promote ecological civilisation, building a beautiful China "The relevant requirements, efforts to promote green development, recycling development, low-carbon development. The use of advanced technology, technology and equipment, strengthen management, change the mode of economic growth and other measures to achieve a significant reduction in the consumption of energy, raw materials and other units of resources to achieve the maximum increase in the efficiency of resource use, the minimum emission of pollutants and the best protection of the ecological environment.

  The main content of the "conservation and environmental protection" not only includes the conservation of material resources, environmental management, but also includes improving the resource management system, the use of advanced scientific research and technology to improve the level of comprehensive use of resources, the implementation of conservation of behavioural production models and the establishment of appropriate incentives and constraints on the mechanism and so on.

  The conservation of material resources includes the economic use of resources, rational use, recycling, waste recycling, the development and use of new energy sources and other aspects.

  The governance of the environment includes minimising the emission of waste and air pollutants in the production process, realising the recycling of natural resources, and achieving environmental recovery.

  Technological progress and innovation is the power source of building environmentally friendly enterprises, focusing on key technologies of resource recovery and recycling, environmental recovery and pollution control, and related technology and equipment, developing and establishing the key common technology system of "environmentally friendly" enterprises, so as to continuously improve the efficiency of resource utilisation and gradually reduce the developmental cost of environmental losses. Costs.

  The establishment of economic development mode, production mode, management system, organisational structure and assessment mechanism for better use of resources and environmental protection, and the formation of a production system with low resource consumption, high efficiency of resource and energy use, and low waste emission are the important ways and means to solve the problem of economic development of enterprises in the context of the constraints of resources and the environment.

  Chemwells's "conservation and environmental protection type" actually contains "resource conservation" and "environmentally friendly" two major components. From a narrow or conventional sense, resource-saving enterprises are enterprises that take innovation as a means, intensification as a way, energy saving and emission reduction as the goal and standard, and constantly improve the resource utilisation rate and recycling rate. Conservation as a way of doing business is first and foremost a strategy, as Porter calls it, a low-cost strategy. Cost to lead competitors, then, as the main body of the competition will take positive cost-cutting methods; Secondly, saving business mode not only includes management to save, do not produce waste, and mainly should refer to innovation as a means to improve the efficiency of resource utilisation for the purpose of intensive production methods; Thirdly, saving as a way of doing business must be open, constantly innovative, and able to put all other Effective, advanced ways conducive to enterprise development into the savings system, the core of savings is intensive, the key to intensive is innovation. Therefore, saving is a kind of business strategy, a kind of business mode that constantly pursues innovation. The construction of resource-saving enterprises led by technological innovation is mainly embodied in the active adoption of new technology, new equipment, new products and new materials, and the continuous expansion and deepening of the recycling of resources and clean production.

  Accordingly, environment-friendly enterprises are understood in a more traditional and narrower scope: they can take the initiative to assume social responsibility, implement the concept of ecological environmental protection and construction in the management of the enterprise, improve the management and change the mode of production and operation proactively by adopting new technologies and techniques, establish a perfect monitoring mechanism for environmental protection and reduce or eliminate the harmful impacts on the environment and the society in the whole process of the enterprise's production and operation to the fullest extent possible. environment and society, so as to realise the harmony and friendly coexistence between the enterprise, nature and society.

  In fact, in essence, "resource conservation" and "environmental friendliness" are two sides of the same coin. Energy saving and environmental protection are the future direction of the world's industrial development and the urgent need to cope with the pressure of resources and the environment. As the environmental issues are by-products of economic development, attached to economic issues; and resources are consumed, resulting in environmental pollution, environmental pollution is harmful to human health, will also affect economic development, the environment is a carrier of resources, resource utilisation, waste reduction is the external manifestation of the improvement of the quality of the environment. Therefore, the environment and resource issues are often closely linked together, the two are always considered at the same time, the purpose is to develop the economy both the rational use of resources, the economic use of resources, and at the same time to try to minimise environmental pollution, emphasising the need to solve the resource problem at the same time to solve environmental problems. Therefore, "resource-saving" enterprises and "environmentally friendly" enterprises in the nature of consistency: both are to the sustainable development of enterprises as the goal, focusing on the harmonious co-development of enterprises and nature, society; both emphasise innovation, including technological innovation and management innovation, innovation for development; both emphasise innovation for development; both emphasise innovation for development; both emphasise innovation for development; both emphasise innovation for development; both emphasise innovation for development; and both emphasise innovation for development. Both emphasise innovation, including technological innovation and management innovation, and promote development through innovation; both adopt the approach of all staff, all process and all-round to achieve the goal. In addition, "environment-friendly" pays more attention to the impact of production and consumption activities on the natural ecological environment, and stresses that the intensity of human production and life should be regulated within the carrying capacity of the ecological environment through the comprehensive application of technology, economy, management and other measures.

  Chemwells construction of "conservation and environmental protection" enterprise is a new mode of economic development, can be technological innovation, energy saving and emission reduction, environmental protection, enterprise efficiency, to achieve the coordinated development of the economy, society and the environment. Therefore, Chemwells chemical industry to create "resource-saving" enterprise should be innovation as the core, to the way of intensive, energy saving and emission reduction as a means, through the rational use of resources, give back to the community, to achieve a balanced and stable, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of enterprises.

  Social Responsibility

  Chemwells adheres to the talent concept of "accepting talents from all over the world and educating Chemwells people", takes "letting employees achieve self-fulfillment and improving the happiness index of employees" as the goal, and takes "happy employee activities" as the carrier and the way of realisation to provide a safe working and living environment for the employees. With "Happy Staff Activity" as the carrier and realisation method, we provide a safe working and living environment for our staff.

  As a corporate citizen, Chemwells respects the community and gives back to the society, promotes the harmony between local enterprises, benefits the local people and shares the fruits of development with the society while creating economic benefits.

  Public Welfare Actions Sowing Love Chemwells is rooted in the society, enthusiastic about the development of public welfare undertakings, and carries out charitable undertakings with Chemwells's characteristics, spreading the concept of public welfare.