Socioeconomic evaluation of fluoropolymers in the United States 1

Socioeconomic evaluation of fluoropolymers in the United States 1

The starting point of the US value chain, sales of fluoropolymers in their basic form, is a $2 billion industry and 85,000 tons of product was manufactured in 2018. The US industry is a net exporter of higher value product; the sales value of exports exceeds $1 billion, with imports of around $500 million. A highly innovative sector, some $150 million was invested in research and development (R&D) in 2018. 

This represented over 6% of revenues, well above the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) average and more than double the average US R&D investment rate. Indirectly, the industry is also estimated to have generated some $150 million in R&D spill over effects, a further $2.4 billion indirect and induced economic activity along with 15,000 direct and indirect US jobs. The location of the fluoropolymer industry in the US has an important role in allowing US-based customers to meet lead times for the various end user sectors. This is necessary in maintaining innovation and R&D, as companies are continually customizing products for their customers.

The value chain – sectors dependent on fluoropolymers

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